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The State Forests National Forest Holding

The State Forests National Forest Holding is the largest organisation in the European Union managing forests, which belong to the State Treasury and celebrating its 90 anniversary this year.

Presently, we manage the area of one third of Poland's territory. Not long after the end of the Second World War, there was only 21 % of the area. Every year we plant 500 million of new trees, as we want Polish forests grow all the time.

Every year Polish foresters plant 500 million of trees.

85 % of nature reserves in Poland are located within the State Forests. 40 % of the forests managed by General Directorate of the State Forests are protected within the framework of European network Natura 2000. We fight against many threats: natural disasters, plaques of insects, trees' diseases, fires, pollutions, as well as poaching and vandalism.

Dbamy, by gospodarka leśna, dostarczająca na rynek drewno, surowiec uniwersalny i ekologiczny, prowadzona była zgodnie z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju (fot. P. Fabijański)

We take care the forestry supplying the market with timber, as ecological and universal material, to be carried on in accordance with rules of balanced development (photography P.Fabjański).

One of our major tasks is making forests accessible to the society. We invite you to take advantage of these beautifully located within the forest wilderness holiday resorts, forester's lodges or guest rooms. That is for you, we create thousand kilometres of hiking trails, cycling paths or camping sites. All the above mentioned, you can find in service

We also take care the forestry supplying the market with timber, as ecological and universal material, to be carried on in accordance with rules of balanced development. We obtain over 30 million of cubic meters of wood annually, twice as much as at the beginning of the nineties of the XX century.

Despite of this, the average of wood abundance per hectare of our forests is one fourth bigger than 20 years ago and 40% bigger than the average of European Union currently amounts.

In Poland in sectors connected with the forestry, there work about 375 thousand of people. It means that each 40 working Pole works in the forest.

In Poland in sectors connected with the forestry, there work about 375 thousand of people. It means that each 40 working Pole works in the forest. The sector of wood processing works out approximately 8 % of our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Among others, thanks to the timber from the State Forests Poland is the 10 largest producer of furniture in the world, and the 4 largest furniture exporter.

The State Forests employ 25 thousand people. That way we are the 9 biggest employer in Poland. Among the largest companies in our country it takes 22 place in respect of its incomes and 11 place in respect of its profits. The value of assets, we manage, reaches 300 million zl. If we add social values, it will be worth one billion zlotych. We do not use money from the budget, but we earn money on our own to support the business. In spite of the financial crisis, since 2002, we continuously note down profits. Moreover, we pay taxes amounting 1,3 billion zl annually.

87 % of Poles think, the foresters are competent. We willingly share our knowledge of Polish forests, of their history and of nature values with the others. We publish books, periodicals, brochures; we also administer the website . For children, the youth and teachers, we prepared internet service "E-lynx' Lynx Forest" ( Our staff has supported schools in field of nature education for years. We also organise many actions to let people broaden their knowledge about forest, nature and ecology.

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Wyniki III edycji konkursu plastycznego

Wyniki III edycji konkursu plastycznego

Mazaki, kredki, pastele, bibuły, kolorowy papier, ryż i kasza (!), plastelina, farby, wyklejanki, makiety, plakaty… mnóstwo kolorów i pomysłów. Cieszy nas, że tak chętnie wzięliście udział w naszym III konkursie plastycznym. Szkoda, że nie możemy nagrodzić wszystkich uczestników. Wybór zwycięzców był trudny i niejednogłośny.

Wpłynęło do nas: 387 prac,

136 prac w kategorii Przedszkola,

184 prace w kategorii Szkoły Podstawowe klasy I-III,

67 prac w kategorii klasy IV-VI.

Komisja konkursowa w składzie:

Nadleśniczy, Przemysław Włodek,

Profesjonalny plastyk, pedagog, Barbara Chrobak,

Specjalista SL, Witold Pilch

St. Referent, Martyna Śliwińska-Siuśta

wybrali laureatów w następujących kategoriach:



Izabela Wujec, SP nr 4 w Przemyślu




  1. Julia Oborska, Przedszkole nr 13 w Przemyślu
  2. Dalia Zelman , Przedszkole „Akademia Malucha" w Przemyślu 
  3. Michał Pych, Przedszkole nr 11 w Przemyślu


Katarzyna Grela, SP w Nizinach, klasa „0"

Oliwia Kołodziej, Przedszkole „Kraina Marzeń" w Buszkowicach

Filip Król, Przedszkole nr 3 w Przemyślu

Emilia Kwolek, Przedszkole nr 11 w Przemyślu

Kamila Litwin, Przedszkole Omnibusek w Przemyślu

Radosław Radoń, SP w Olszanach, klasa „0"

Emilia Szloch, Przedszkole nr 16 w Przemyślu

Dawid Świetlicki, SP w Olszanach, klasa „0"




  1. Jagoda Jaworska, SP w Wyszatycach
  2. Wiktoria Grzywacz, SP nr 14 w Przemyślu
  3. Aleksandra Matysiak, ZPSM w Przemyślu


Wiktoria Baran, SP w Małkowicach,

Sebastian Burdziak, SOSW nr 1 w Przemyślu

Maja Chludzińska, SP nr 16 w Przemyślu

Julia Gęsiorska, SP nr 2 w Żurawicy

Patryk Jańczuk, SP w Olszanach

Anna Kijowska, SP nr 4 w Przemyślu

Oskar Kinon, SP w Kniażycach

Dominik Kurasz, SP w Drohojowie

Julita Osada, SP w Buszkowicach

Emilia Rachwał, SP w Buszkowicach

Karol Sowa, SP nr 14 w Przemyślu

Julia Walaszek, SP nr 4 w Przemyślu

Kornelia Wodka, ZPSM w Przemyślu

Anna Zabłocka, SP nr 14 w Przemyślu

Artur Zając, SP nr 14 w Przemyślu

Robert Chuchra, OREW w Przemyślu

Patryk Kurasz, OREW w Przemyślu




  1. Katarzyna Dąbek, SP nr 11 w Przemyślu
  2. Kacper Michalewski, SP nr 4 w Przemyślu
  3. Oliwia Buksa, SP nr 1 w Żurawicy


Eryk Banach, SP w Zadąbrowiu

Patryk Citkowski, SP nr 14 w Przemyślu

Karol Jakobshe, SP nr 14 w Przemyślu

Kinga Kościak, SP w Nizinach


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Martyna Śliwińska-Siuśta